"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Gift

Several months ago I received a unique gift from a creative, talented artist who has become an encouraging friend in my life. The gift was a small, hand-built ceramic box. After each piece of the box was cut and the sections joined, the box was fired in a kiln, glazed, then fired again. Due to drying time and firing time, it usually takes about two weeks for Jackie (the artist) to make a box.

There is an opening in the top of the box where an item can be deposited. But, there is no way to get the item out of the box without destroying the box. Stamped on one side of the box are the words "GIT God". This means Give It To God. A small card accompanies the box. These are the instructions on the card:
"When life gives you a problem too big to handle alone,
write it on a slip of paper and place it in the box.
You have given the problem to God.
You must never retrieve the slip from the box.
You must have faith that God will take care of the
problem on His own schedule.
You must accept His solution to the problem.
He knows what is best for you.
You can never question His decision.
He knows what is best for you."

What a wonderful, visual way to turn over our burdens to God! Those tear-stained slips of paper could hold words about wayward children, health issues, marital problems, abusive relationships, addictions, financial problems, an important decision, or hundreds of other things.

Here is the confession: My box is still empty. What does that say? Am I afraid to give God my burdens? Do I feel like I can handle things on my own?
Am I unwilling to give up the control?

I need to do some soul searching. Then, it is time to start writing on some little slips of paper.

p.s. Since I know that some of you will ask, Jackie's website is www.jdunford.etsy.com

1 comment:

  1. I am honored and speechless! In a way, I hope your box remains empty as it shows you are a strong Christian and the devil has given up on you. But when you just can't reach a decision on something, Give It To God. A young Christian on the other hand, would be under a lot of attack and may need a big GIT God box. Thank you so much for sharing!
