"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, October 25, 2010

Missing the Miracles

My kitchen window faces a deck which is on the back of the house. Over the years, I have spent a lot of time at that window as I washed dishes. During an evening when Rob was 7 years-old, we were on the deck cleaning out the birdbath/fountain. As we worked together, God provided a brilliant sunset.
Standing in awe of that breath-taking scene, I asked Rob, "How have I missed these beautiful sunsets?" He looked up at me and immediately responded, "You've been looking down at the dishes." Ouch! That honest answer from an innocent child pierced my heart. I realized that, as I was busy looking down and focusing on the dishes, I was missing the miracle of the sunset.

That experience occurred over a decade ago. Since then, we have enjoyed many sunsets from the view of that same deck. The valuable lesson that I learned from my 7 year-old son was that the dishes would wait. They would be there when the sunset was gone.

Lord, forgive my busy nature. Show me what is truly important, and don't let me miss the beauty that you are so faithful to provide. As Rob is now in college, and I sit alone on that deck, give me eyes that still see the miracles.