"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 11, 2010


Yesterday I saw a sign that displayed two words. Before I reveal those words, travel back in time with me to the very early 1960s. I was about 5 yrs-old. My sister and I would walk up the hill to a neighbor's house to play. Here is the confession: Sometimes we would eat dirt. Yes, deliberately. Not because we were hungry. There was a perfectly good reason....It was our "medicine". We would take turns pretending that we were the doctor or the nurse, and we would take great pleasure in dispensing a heaping spoonful of "medicine" to the one who happened to have the misfortune of being the patient on that day. (Is it possible that I chose the nursing profession years later so that I could be on the "giving end" of the medications?) I can still feel the gritty, crunching sensation in my teeth. I find it interesting that we never ate dirt at home. In fact, my mom just recently learned that we ate dirt. She said that it explained some physical ailments that we contracted during that time. But, that is another story.

Now, let's travel back to the present time. The sign simply said, "Dirt Delivered".
It made me think about how "dirt" can be delivered right into our homes by way of books, magazines, TV, the computer, CDs, etc. As children, we always went to another home to partake of the "dirt" as there would have been no keeping it a secret in our own home. But, now it is not necessary to travel to get the dirt. It can be delivered directly to us. We have the choice to devour, dispense, or dump the dirt.

Lord, give me the strength to dump the dirt.


  1. May God give us the strength and the DESIRE to dump the dirt ... what great thoughts and correlations, Jill. I love the trip back in time - keep these posts coming. Your insight is thought-provoking and truly touches the heart. God bless!

  2. That is funny! Lesley's comment sums it up, keep the posts coming please.
