"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, March 30, 2012

Numbing Noise

On this Friday morning, I am sitting at a table in a room on the 19th floor. And, I am watching the majestic ocean waves through closed glass doors. Normally, I would be reading or writing while sitting at a table on the balcony, and the song of the waves would soothe my soul. But, there is a maddening noise that has thwarted that peaceful possibility. Specifically, the grating sound of power tools as an outdoor pool is being constructed. The workers and their noisy tools seem to be busy from morning until night as they are diligently moving forward on this project which I have, truthfully, resented. A dear friend offered to pray for a workers' strike. Not a bad idea!

As my son says, "Whoa!! Hold on!" I am feeling resentful of the incessant noise that others create. And, it occurs to me that I sometimes intentionally surround myself with noise and activity and busyness. Is that my way of numbing or avoiding my pain?

After almost two years of legal separation, my divorce was final eight days ago. Even though I knew that day was coming, it still felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach when I sat at my dining room table and read the notarized divorce papers which had been signed by a judge who probably signs divorce papers every day. While caring friends were saying, "Let's celebrate!", I was feeling like a death had occurred.... Death of a marriage.... Death of "til death do us part."

A time will come when I celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in my life. But, for now, I grieve. While it is easier to surround myself with noise and busyness, I need to allow myself to feel the unedited version of how I really feel. No pretending that I have it all together. There are haunting questions like, "Was I not good enough?" and "Could I have done more to make our marriage last for a lifetime?" While I won't dwell on those questions forever, I must face them. "Anesthesia" such as food, activity, noise, sleep, and work will numb my pain for a limited amount of time. But, only waking up and facing my grief will allow me to move forward in my life journey.

Author Steven James writes that we cannot expect the visible to heal the invisible. A damaged soul can only be bandaged by God's hand.

"So I lay myself before You:
a damaged heart in need of repair,
an empty vessel needing to be filled,
an aching soul needing to be healed."
(from "A Heart Exposed" by Steven James)

Psalm 34:18 - The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Lord, I feel like someone is using sandpaper to scrape the open wound of my heart. Thank you for staying close in the midst of my noisy and hurried life. Help me to face my pain and to feel Your presence.

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