"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Through the Eyes of the Great Physician

As I am watching a dusting of snow on this cold December night, my mind travels back just a few weeks to a special November day at the beach. I would like to share more thoughts that came to mind on that day....

Journal entry on 11/09/10: I love to gather shells. On this journey to the beach, I have felt drawn to the large, thick shells. As always, I love the broken shells, as they are very symbolic to me (see January blog posting entitled "Broken Shells"). As I was picking up shells while walking along the beach, some friendly folks would ask, "Any luck with the shells"? or "Finding any pretty ones?" My response was, "Since I am partial to the broken shells, it is always a good shell day." That response always brought a smile.

I am so glad that God is partial to the broken shells. When Jesus was criticized by pious sinners for hanging out with the lowly sinners, He made it clear that the sick are the ones who need the doctor (Matthew 9:12). He truly is the Great Physician, and He loves broken shells like me. What a comfort that is!

Maybe I am relating to the large, thick shells on this trip as that is how I feel, especially when I look at a number on a scale. But, it occurs to me that those large, thick shells have been out in the ocean longer, tossing to and fro in their turbulent home. I, too, have been in the ocean of life for a long time. And, it would be safe to say that I have been tossed around in some major turbulence during 2010.

I believe that God sees the best in this thick, broken shell. And, I am eternally grateful that He chooses to use me, even in my broken condition. It amazes me that my broken state can be used as His vessel. Perhaps my imperfect condition will help me relate to another thick, hurting, broken shell. After all, a small, delicate, perfect shell might not understand what the thick, broken shell has endured.

Lord, help me to see myself through Your eyes. Then use me to make a difference in the lives of others who are broken and hurting.

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